Want to Apply For a Job with Ford?

Want to Apply For a Job with Ford?


Ford Motor Company announced on Tuesday that 2,000 brand new jobs were being created at the Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville, by the summer of 2016. Ford is looking to hire full-time vehicle assembly technicians.

Are you interested in applying? Ford provided the Kentucky Career Center with 1,000 applications. You should make a in-person visit to the career center in Louisville and be prepared to fill out two forms: A two-page Ford contact form and a registration form.

“Through this investment, we are continuing to show our commitment to Kentucky and the city of Louisville, as well as bringing to customers industry-leading trucks to help them take care of business and earn a living,” said Joe Hinrichs, Ford president of The Americas.

You can also visit kentuckycareercenter.ky.gov for additional details.